Journal of Education and Teacher Training Innovation
Journal of Education and Teacher Training Innovation
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES)
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) is a journal managed and published by PT Pusmedia Group Indonesia which is based in Majalengka Regency, Indonesia. This journal was established in 2023 with the first issue in volume 1 number 1 in March 2023.
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) is a National and International Journal that has open-access and is rigorously peer-reviewed and publishes original research articles and scientific discussions on Islamic Education in formal education, non-formal education, and informal education. The journal emphasizes aspects related to the study of Islamic Education in Schools, Colleges, Universities, and other Islamic Education Institutions such as Madrasah (Islamic schools) and Pesantren (Islamic boarding schools). The journal articles are published three times a year: March, July and November.
INJURIES invites Scientists, Scholars, Researchers, Practitioners, and Observers, as well as Professionals in the field of Islamic Education from within the country and abroad, to publish their research in our Journal.
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (INJURIES) already has a registration number E-ISSN (2746-6760 Online - Elektronik) under the decree BRIN (Badan Riset Dan Inovasi Nasional) No. 30251893/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/09/2023
JPS: Journal of Primary School
JPS: Journal of Primary School is a journal managed by PT. Pusmedia Group Indonesia domiciled in Majalengka Regency, Indonesia. This journal was established in 2023 with the first issue in volume 1 number 1 in April 2024. This journal actively publishes scientific articles related to issues that exist in the world of Islamic education in general.