Peer Review Process
The Journal of Education and Teacher Training Innovation (JETTI) implements strict peer review procedures to ensure the quality and validity of published research. This process is double-blind, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity of the author and reviewer. Experts in related fields conduct reviews, assess manuscripts based on their scientific significance, innovation, and relevance to the journal's objectives.
Articles from the author's manuscripts are uploaded online to the Journal of Education and Teacher Training Innovation
Manuscripts will be examined and selected by the editorial board in terms of focus and scope, predetermined article templates (listed on the front page of the journal) and text plagiarism with no more than 30% similarity.
Manuscripts that meet the criteria in terms of focus and scope, suitability of templates, and plagiarism checks of no more than 30% will be sent to reviewers for review in terms of content. The combined contents are introduction, research methodology, results and discussion, conclusions and bibliography. After passing the first screening, to get the review process.
Our journal usually processes each article with a minimum of 2 reviewers.
The review process is carried out by the reviewer in several stages to achieve the expected content of the writing
Reviewers will review it in terms of science, renewal, and research benefits. We only publish articles that have been reviewed and approved by highly qualified researchers with expertise in the appropriate field. Reviewer reviews the article usually 1 week for one round.
Authors of manuscripts that require revisions must include the suggested changes and submit a revised version, highlighting the changes and including a letter responding to the feedback. The revision deadline is 1 week for minor changes and 2 weeks for major changes. Manuscripts with major revisions will be re-evaluated by the original reviewers to ensure the effectiveness of the revisions.
The Editorial Board will make the final decision regarding the text that has been reviewed by the reviewers whether it can be published or not.
There is no communication between the author and the reviewer during the review process. Also, there was no communication between the author and the editor regarding the rejection decision.
If the editor has decided that the manuscript is accepted, the editor will ask for the author's approval to publish it in the journal Journal of Education and Teacher Training Innovation
Overall, the peer review of articles is carried out for 4 - 6 weeks depending on the severity of the reviewer's corrections and the length of the author's corrections.