Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
please download the template author here
open the template using MS application. word. In order to make the process of converting to the Arji journal template faster, it is enough to copy the contents of the writing in the initial article draft to the Journal of Education and Teacher Training Innovation template so as not to change the shape of the paper and others.
make sure to use the Mendeley application to facilitate the citation process and also display a bibliography.
Also make sure you open Google Scholar to find the references you need.
Articles can be made in English
1. Article title
Research Title Written with Capitalize Each Word Style (capital letter at the beginning of the word)
Font type Cambria size 18 bold
jtitle does not contain abbreviations
Title no more than 12 words
In substance
The title must represent the contents of the research
The title must match the focus and scope
The title must be made clear and straightforward
2. Abstract
Abstract contains 150-350 words
Use Cambria font size 10 pt
spacing of 1.0
Create keywords of at least 3 words
Abstract made in English
In Subtance
in the abstract include the background of the problem, research objectives, types of research methods used, research sites, sample and population or primary and secondary data, data collection and analysis techniques, research results and conclusions
3. Introduction
Use Cambria font size 11 pt
spacing of 1.15
the beginning of the writing paragraph is indented to a depth of 1 cm
In Subtance
Describe systematically the flow of thought in identifying research problems and the arguments for the importance of the research problems studied (formulations, hypotheses and objectives). Add a discussion of the results of previous studies (previous studies) related to the topic.
In the introduction there must be a GAP of the current condition and the previous condition. It also contains a literature review, especially regarding up-to-date information around the problems underlying the research (State of The Art & Updates).
In one paragraph there should be at least 2 or 3 different types of arguments (results of research from journals) to support the State of the Art.
The introduction must really show the importance of this research being carried out and the novelty given compared to previous research
4. Methodology
Use Cambria font size 11 pt
spacing of 1.15
the beginning of the writing paragraph is indented to a depth of 1 cm
In Subtance
Describe the research approach and methods chosen in the study.
Include the research location, population and research sample or participants including primary and secondary data.
Describe the stages of the research conducted.
Then explain what data collection techniques and data analysis techniques are used. If the data analysis technique uses the application,
if using a data processing application, state what the application is.
5. Results and Improvements
Use Cambria font size 11 pt
spacing of 1.15
the beginning of the writing paragraph is indented to a depth of 1 cm
In Subtance
Research results can be listed in the form of formulas, tables, graphs and pictures
In the discussion section, you can discuss what is the result of research related to the relevance and correlation of the theories on the chosen topic or the results of previous studies that can be obtained from books, journals and other sources. Try to present in the discussion section in the form of a description and no longer display formulas, tables or graphs.
6. Conclusion
Use Cambria font size 11 pt
spacing of 1.15
the beginning of the writing paragraph is indented to a depth of 1 cm
In Subtance
Conclusions must refer to the formulation of the problem and be relevant to the objectives of this research. Conclusions do not reiterate the results of the research but are rather concise statements that describe the entire research process. There are no bullet points in the conclusion.
7. Reference
Use the bibliography using the Mendeley application
how to include a bibliography using Mendeley, namely: 1) open the Mendeley application; 2) select the references menu; 3) then select insert bibliography
to determine the style of the bibliography following the citation style. the way to determine the style of citation is by selecting the style, then selecting the American Psychological Association 7th Edition
an example of a bibliography using the American Psychological Association 7th Edition style, which is as follows:
example:Arthur, J. (2016). Convergence on policy goals: Character education in East Asia and England. Journal of International and Comparative Education (JICE), 59–71.
In Subtance
use reference sources in the bibliography for the last 10 years if from books and the last 5 years if from journals,
reference sources in the bibliography of at least 15 references
prioritize reference sources in the bibliography of journals with a minimum composition of 80% from scientific journals and the rest can be from books or other sources.
8. Supporting data
Supporting data in this study can be in the form of pictures, tables, graphs, diagrams and other forms. The following below is an example of its presentation.
Table example
Example Image
graphic example
Every time you try to include data from figures, tables, graphs and other data sources, mention the figures, tables or graphs again, for example: "based on the table above" or "if referring to the graph "and various other forms of editorial.
1. Register an account
the author registers an account first at this link.
fill in the required fields
2. Submit Writing
after the account creation process is complete, proceed with submitting articles by clicking "make a new submission"
check all requests then click "save and continue"
upload the file by clicking "upload file" then click "save and continue" to continue to the next stage
fill in the article title, abstract and other requests then click "save and continue" to continue to the next stage
If you have filled in all the article and author data, the next step is to click "Finish Submissions" to complete the journal submission process.
after completing the journal submission process, the author can monitor the progress of the writing whether the writing is accepted or rejected.